Kagunda JM

/ Software Developer /

Git - Not Something We Can Merge

I use Git for version control. My workflow is simple; create branch from the main branch, make changes on the new branch, commit the changes and merge the changes to the main branch. I have aliased the git command to g and combine the commands in a single line in the form g checkout master;g merge branch-name; and it works. It was therefore a surprise when I ran g checkout master;g merge add_progress;g push;g checkout add_progress and Git responded with merge: add_progress - not something we can merge.

ASP.NET Core - The OAuth YouTube Data API Dance

Introduction YouTube Data API allows developers to add YouTube features to their applications. Using the API, a developer can upload and search for videos among many other features on behalf of the YouTube channel owner. In this post, we start by creating a Google project so that we can acquire credentials to access the YouTube API. We then create a Razor Pages application and use HTTP/REST to call the OAuth 2.

ASP.NET Core Identity Authentication Simplified

Introduction A first encounter with ASP.NET Core Identity seems intimidating. Add claims and third party login providers to the picture and most developers will opt for custom implementations for authentication and authorization. By categorizing ASP.NET Core Identity functionality into local users, third party login providers and application roles, we reduce this complexity making ASP.NET Core Identity easier to work with. In this article, we step create a project using ASP.

5 Steps To Host Static Website On DigitalOcean Running Ubuntu 19.10

Introduction Some tasks seem so simple when you are performing them regularly. If however you stay for a period of time without performing these tasks, it takes a lot of effort trying to recall the commands and the flow of how you performed those tasks. Setting up websites is one of those tasks; set it up and maybe it will take a long time before you repeat the process; by that time you have already forgetten how you went about it.

Windows 10 - Setup Cmder

What is Cmder Cmder is a commander console for Windows. The opening line on Cmder’s website explains it all. Cmder is a software package created out of pure frustration over the absence of nice console emulators on Windows. It is based on amazing software, and spiced up with the Monokai color scheme and a custom prompt layout, looking sexy from the start. All the magic of Cmder happens through use of ConEmu - a console program for windows and Clink which gives it a powerful bash style command line editing, completion, history and much more.